Step 2

Step 2: the top layer

<< Step 1

Step 3 >>

The top layer is half done already. All that needs to be done are the four corners. Basically, you only need three moves. Lets consider the corner on the right front. Which algorithm to use depends on the position of the sticker (sticker) that you want to go on top. First make sure the cubie is on the down-right-front, and it needs to go to up-right-front. Now look at the sticker of the down cubie that has the color of your top layer.

  1. sticker is on the right
    moves will appear here

  2. sticker is on the front
    moves will appear here

  3. sticker is on the bottom (right down corner)
    moves will appear here

The last algorithm is R'D'RD repeated 3 times. There are shorter algorithms for this one, but the one chosen here is very easy to remember.

Step 3 >>

3 thoughts on “Step 2

  1. hello. i’m dutch. so I’m sorry, that my english isn’t very good. but, I have a simple and faster algorithm for the last one. when the white sticker is down. R2 D’ R2 D R2

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