Made the front page

First let me tell you about ning. Ning is a new application invented by the guy who brought us Netscape. Now I know that Netscape was generally a bad boy browser, who knew nothing about standards and following rules, but still this Marc Andreessen guy cashed out pretty good...

Anyway, Ning is a playground for developers where you can create, copy and share applications in a snap. Some templates for most used 'social' apps are ready made and can be instantly transformed to something that looks like you made it yourself.

So I copied the 'bookmarks' app and created my own take on it: Go have a look. You can do lots of nice stuff with it. You can tag your favourite algorithms or add other people's algs to your collection.

I don't know where I will go with this app. Adding functionality is not as easy as creating the app :-(. One feature I'd like to add is the video link. Another might be the image display of the cube.

I still believe the community is shattered: look at all those nice F2L/OLL/PLL show-off pages, where actually not much new is found besides algorithms. C'mon guys, share it!!!!

Update: Ning downgraded themselves to a general-public-social-network and the features we all used to love are not there anymore. Sorry!